EA Waste Data Interrogator Analysis

With the recent publication of the Waste Data Interrogator by the EA, we have had a quick dive into what’s changed since last year when we did a similar quick analysis of the Data. The WDI was re-issued on 6/9/23 producing version 2, which includes some sites which were missing first time around. We have updated our report to reflect the new state of play with WDI.

What we can see from the data is that there is an overall increase of some 715 thousand tonnes of waste since 2021. That the amount of waste going to landfill overall has gone down by around 2 million tonnes, conversely the amount of waste being reported as going to Treatment has gone up by around 3 million tonnes and with just under 100 thousand tonnes less being sent to Incineration.

Reports available

To see the current analysis (2022): Data Comparison 2021-2022 (revised Oct ’23)

To see the analysis from 2021: Data Comparison 2020-2021

To see the analysis from 2020: Data Comparison 2019-2020