Reducing waste costs, getting the best from your waste services, meeting new legal requirements

Icon of a Clipboard in white


Understanding Your Options

Monksleigh offers a range of bespoke services to help businesses identify their position and upraise their opportunities.

Whilst you may have been mainly focused on cost in the past, doing the ‘right thing for the environment’ is becoming increasingly important for many businesses. But what is the ‘right thing’? what do ‘Circular Economy’  and “net-zero” really mean? What effect will the changes in legislation have on your business within the next 2 to 3 years? Our experienced staff can help you navigate your way through the legislation maze.

Read our article on "Simpler recycling - an overview of the requirements"

Where are you now?

Many businesses can’t afford a full-scale waste audit so Monksleigh has created a simple free Waste Calculator Tool, as an essential first step measurement device, to help you understand your current  position and estimate the amount of waste you may produce. 

Where do you want to be?

It’s all very well aiming for no waste to landfill, with strategic objectives of 70% recycling and no plastic packaging – but are these realistic and environmentally sound options for your business, and how do you go about delivering them practically? 

Monksleigh can help you set realistic, deliverable and staged targets.

Illustration for future obligations for businesses

Future Obligations

Many businesses are not fully aware of the existing and current obligations and need to be informed of the legislative changes coming into place to increase those obligations. Are you going to be affected? What actions might you need to take, by when, and much might it cost? Monksleigh can keep you informed and up to date.

Navigating Future Changes

By using our simple free compliance checklist, you will get the foundations of what you need to address and by when. For anything more demanding, do not hesitate to contact us.

How can you get there?

Understanding what you have, setting strategies and understanding what you need to do, will all ultimately require one or more contractors/partners to deliver you a solution. Let us help you select that partner and ensure they deliver against your needs.


Waste Calculator Tool

A simple free checklist tool for businesses producing waste to help understand the potential amount being produced based on some simple input parameters.


Click on illustration to learn more about the Waste Calculator tool
Illustration for Waste Producer Compliance tool

Waste Producer Compliance Tool

A simple free tool for businesses trying to navigate the new Plastics Tax, changes to Extended Producer Responsibility, the introduction of a Deposit Recovery System and the impending new legislation that will affect businesses.


Waste Emissions Calculator Tool

For businesses that have an understanding of the amount of waste they produce and the disposal/treatment options undertaken, this free tool gives an indicative level of emissions associated with your activity.


Illustration for Waste Emission calculator tool