EA Waste Interrogator Analysis 2024

With the recent publication of the Waste Data Interrogator by the EA, we have had a quick dive into what’s changed since last year when we did a similar quick analysis of the Data.

Response to UK ETS Consultation August 2024

Monksleigh’s response to the UK ETS Authority request for views on the expansion of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme to energy from waste and waste incineration is posted in its entirety.

Revised Population Projections Increase the Waste Challenge

Read our article on "Revised Population Projections increase the Waste Challenge"

Population projections by the ONS in January 2024 show higher growth than previous forecasts, which will lead to increased waste arisings and significant challenges for the delivery of the Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction Targets for 2050.

EA Waste Data Interrogator Analysis

With the recent publication of the Waste Data Interrogator by the EA, we have had a quick dive into what’s changed since last year when we did a similar quick analysis of the Data.

What About Waste Imports?

Illustration of the trend of Waste tonnages imported by the UK between 2015 and 2021

Whilst the export of RDF and SRF is now reported extensively, other waste exports are not, and the subject of waste imports, which are on the increase, are rarely discussed.

Plastics – Why Ban Exports?

Illustration for Baled Plastic bottles

Why ban the export of plastic, which will arguably be difficult to implement and which may have unintended consequences – how about the removing the distortion creaetd by export PRNs?

NHS Data Correction

Revised Graph illustrating the amount of Clinical Waste being sent to incineration as reported on the NHS Eric system

We highlight how small, accidental errors, by three NHS Trusts in their data returns led to a large over-estimation of tonnage under management by the NHS – which required an adjustment by NHS estates

UK Residual Waste EfW Operational Performance

Monksleigh produced a report that collates all of the key metrics and data provisions on the residual waste EFW plants operating throughout the UK in 2021, and this article provides an extract

Will RDF and SRF Exports Continue?

Bar chart Graph showing the evolution of the makeup of exports in thousands of tonnes between 2015 and 2021

We review the historical RDF and SRF export patterns and suggest future possibilities that might be triggered by the consultation on the targets being set under the Environment Act