EA Waste Interrogator Analysis 2024

With the recent publication of the 2023 Waste Data Interrogator by the EA, we have had a quick dive into what’s changed since last year (2022 data) when we did a similar quick analysis of the figures. We have analysed the data and synthesised it in some easy-to-read graphs.

Some notable statistics from the 2023 data compared to 2022 are:

  • 0.5% drop in tonnage arriving into sites to 236,000,000 tonnes.
  • 1.8% reduction in municipal waste arisings (EWC Ch 20 codes) with a 12 % overall drop in municipal plastic waste (20 01 39)árisings.
  • 37% increase in municipal waste leaving facilities and sent to Landfill (indicated in the dataset as the ‘fate of waste’); municipal waste leaving facilities and consigned to incineration also increased by 3%.
  • 27% increase in 19 12 10 (combustible waste/refuse derived fuel (RDF) leaving waste managment facilites.

Reports available

To see the current analysis (2023): Data Comparison 2022-2023

To see the analysis from 2022: Data Comparison 2021-2022 (revised Oct ’23)

To see the analysis from 2021: Data Comparison 2020-2021

To see the analysis from 2020: Data Comparison 2019-2020