Case Study: Derwen Recycling Ltd – Fuel Sampling and Analysis
Derwen Recycling Ltd provide a range of waste management services to the municipal, commercial, industrial and construction and demolition sector with the primary aim of diverting waste from landfill
Their recycling and recovery facility maximises recycling from the input material with the residual waste processed into a refuse derived fuel (RDF). This RDF is sent to power stations and used as a fuel to generate electricity, limiting the need to place residual material in landfill. To be accepted into these power generation facilities the RDF must meet strict fuel specification limits primarily regarding net calorific value, moisture and ash content.
To ensure that Derwen Recycling Ltd continue to meet the requirements of their fuel specification agreement they are working with Monksleigh to undertake regular fuel sampling and monitoring including the provision of a reporting platform to underpin their export arrangements to facilities within the UK and northern Europe.
By providing a turn-key solution with laboratory testing with a partner MCERTS laboratory and reporting the business has been able to ‘outsource’ these tasks whilst keeping track of their performance. On site sampling is undertaken by the team at Derwen, and Monksleigh have also delivered sampling plans and training to ensure representative samples are being taken in accordance with the offtakes and regulatory authority requirements.
Quote from Derwen Recycling Ltd:
‘Outsourcing this service has helped us focus on the day-to-day business activities knowing that what we need in terms of reporting and analysis is being delivered and shared with us regularly and consistently so that we, and our offtakers, know and understand the quality of our fuel and have access to this data 24/7.’
Stuart Hanford, Driector
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Monksleigh provide flexible and tailored consultancy services designed to support your waste management needs. Our services help organisations optimise operations, compliance, and manage emissions through strategic support and tailored solutions designed to achieve your own sustainability goals.
We provide a range of resources on our website and in WikiWaste, an online encyclopedia created and supported by Monksleigh focused on the UK waste and resources industry as well as a range of bespoke and tailored paid-for services and products for Investors, Developers, Waste Companies, Local Authorities and Businesses producing waste.