Here you will find a record of every published Monksleigh report FREE to view, download, or bookmark for future reference
Please also visit our sister site Wikiwaste for further environmental and waste industry resources.
Monksleigh’s EFW Market Optimisation Tool
As residual waste and RDF feedstock starts to become more challenging and competitive as capacity increases and supplies start to become scarcer, EFW’s are increasingly considering the sourcing of their waste and the associated cost, both financially and environmentally,
Monksleigh’s Waste Analysis and Reporting Tool
Over the past 8 years, we have continuously evolved and enhanced our reporting platform to provide in-depth analysis and valuable insights into our customers' waste data. By handling increasing volumes of waste composition data across various applications, our tool supports compliance and empowers better management decision-making.
EfW Case Study: Derwen Recycling Ltd – Fuel Sampling and Analysis
Derwen Recycling Ltd provide a range of waste management services to the municipal, commercial, industrial and construction and demolition sector with the primary aim of diverting waste from landfill. Their recycling and recovery facility maximises recycling from the input material with the residual waste processed into a refuse derived fuel (RDF).
Response to UK ETS Consultation—August 2024
Monksleigh's response to the UK ETS Authority request for views on the expansion of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme to energy from waste and waste incineration is posted in its entirety.
EA Waste Interrogator Analysis 2024
With the recent publication of the Waste Data Interrogator by the EA, we have had a quick dive into what's changed since last year when we did a similar quick analysis of the Data.
ESG Case Study: Strategic Growth and Analysis for Waste Knot Energy (WKE)
Monksleigh originally advised the investors in Waste Knot, Gresham House, leading into their investment decision in the business, but since then the business has come to Monksleigh for a range of different market-led services.
EfW ESG Case Study: FORNAX—Market and Planning Support'
Monksleigh was initially commissioned by Fornax to undertake a market appraisal of the UK’s current clinical and hazardous waste market and the evaluation of potential future sites.
ESG Case Study: Waste Management and Recycling (WMR)—Scope 3 Emissions Calculations
WMR (Waste Management and Recycling) is a growing customer-focused waste brokerage business with speciality in the hospitality and leisure sectors that needed to draw out more detail on service delivery to report back to customers.
Incineration of Clinical Waste likely to be ‘far higher’
The latest published data on the amount of clinical waste incinerated has revealed a number of inconsistencies which could lead to potential ramifications for the measurement of this material for UK ETS, if it is to be included as proposed in the recent consultation.
Lab ‘Dissolution Testing’ on Waste—Does it Work?
Biomass by Energy Content, Biomass by CV, the 'Selective Dissolution Method (SDM)' are all differing terminologies for the same test, which seems to have become the default test to determine the level of biogenic material in residual waste...... but does it?
Landfill Tax increases and implementation of UK ETS…
With Landfill Tax due to step up to £126.70 in April 2025 the gate fee trajectory of landfill and EFW going forwards looks ominous - and may lead to some unintended consequences of Landfill tax and UK ETS policy in the future.
UK EFWs a long way from measuring Carbon Emissions
Monksleigh's recent analysis of the 51 operational EFW plants in England shows that only 24% of EFW facilities rely on direct measurement of carbon emissions from their stack to estimate their overall emissions of biogenic carbon to the atmosphere.
Changes to MRF Regulations (England and Wales)
Amendments to Part 2 Schedule 9 of the Environmental Permitting Regulations (England and Wales) 2016 (the Material Facilities regulations) will enter into force in October 2024.
New Sampling Regime could double MRF Reporting Costs
Changes to regulations on sampling requirements at MRFs will see a doubling of costs for this process, a report by Monksleigh has warned.
Revised Population Projections Increase the Waste Challenge
Population projections by the ONS in January 2024 show higher growth than previous forecasts, which will lead to increased waste arisings and significant challenges for the delivery of the Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction Targets for 2050.
Download the Monksleigh ‘MRF Report 2024’
Monksleigh's annual report on Material Recovery Facilities that handle 'Qualifying Materials'. Using data from a variety of information sources including those submitted by operators to their respective regulator into a single, readily accessible document.
Download the Monksleigh ‘MRF Report 2023’
Monksleigh's first annual report on Material Recovery Facilities that handle 'Qualifying Materials'. Using data from a variety of information sources including those submitted by operators to their respective regulator into a single, readily accessible document.
Download the Monksleigh ‘EfW Report 2022’
Market and operational trend analysis for all residual waste EfW facilities in the UK, combining data from annual reports up to and including 2021 and maps to show the proximity of a site to the residual local authority waste it received in 2021.