Revised Population Projections Increase the Waste Challenge
Population projections by the ONS in January 2024 show higher growth than previous forecasts, which will lead to increased waste arisings and significant challenges for the delivery of the Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction Target for 2042
In April 2022 the detailed evidence report and impact assessment1 were published for the resource efficiency and waste reduction targets associated with the Environment Act 2021. It accessed population statistics from the ONS2 as at January 2022 and set the evidence base to support the regulatory targets to reduce residual waste arisings (see report for the definition and scope of wastes included) to 50% of the 2019 figure of 560 kg per person by 2042.
By 2042 the difference between the two forecasts amounts to an increase of 4.8m people, and by 2050 this moves up to 6.4m.
If the 50% target was delivered by 2042, that would give rise to an additional 1.3m tonnes of residual waste requiring management, and by 2050 that increases to 1.8m tonnes against the plan. That said, the target itself is acknowledged as ambitious and requires a municipal recycling rate of around 70 to 75%. If, for example, the residual figure only reached 350 kg per person, the impact is an additional 1.7m tonnes of residual waste in 2042 and 2.3m tonnes by 2050.
Not only does this have an impact for the infrastructure required for residual waste, it has obvious implications for total waste arisings, and increases the challenges for waste reduction and the need for the additional infrastructure required for recycling and recovery that would result.
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Monksleigh provide flexible and tailored consultancy services designed to support your waste management needs. Our services help organisations optimise operations, compliance, and manage emissions through strategic support and tailored solutions designed to achieve your own sustainability goals.
We provide a range of resources on our website and in WikiWaste, an online encyclopedia created and supported by Monksleigh focused on the UK waste and resources industry as well as a range of bespoke and tailored paid-for services and products for Investors, Developers, Waste Companies, Local Authorities and Businesses producing waste.