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ESG Case Study: Strategic Growth and Analysis for Waste Knot Energy (WKE)
Monksleigh originally advised the investors in Waste Knot, Gresham House, leading into their investment decision in the business, but since then the business has come to Monksleigh for a range of different market-led services.
ESG Case Study: TotalWM—Carbon Reduction Goals
Total Waste Management (TWM) is a metals recovery business specialising in the recycling and recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, general waste and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs).
EfW ESG Case Study: FORNAX—Market and Planning Support'
Monksleigh was initially commissioned by Fornax to undertake a market appraisal of the UK’s current clinical and hazardous waste market and the evaluation of potential future sites.
ESG Case Study: Waste Management and Recycling (WMR)—Scope 3 Emissions Calculations
WMR (Waste Management and Recycling) is a growing customer-focused waste brokerage business with speciality in the hospitality and leisure sectors that needed to draw out more detail on service delivery to report back to customers.
ESG Case Study: Unimetals—Comprehensive Due Diligence
Unimetals Ltd approached Monksleigh to ask for our support and expertise to assist them with the Environmental and Health and Safety Due Diligence in relation to their potential acquisition of the Sims Metals Group UK Ltd.